

Establishment of a Novel Plant Experimental System for Studying early Signaling in Bystander Effect in vivo

  • 摘要: 自2005年以来,活体中的远程辐射旁效应逐渐成为辐射生物学的研究热点, 然而其早期信号传递过程的相关研究却鲜见报道,主要原因是由于早期信号传递过程研究所需的旁区与辐射区的自由分离与组合在动物模型上无法实现。 本研究是基于植物个体可以切割和嫁接的特性, 借鉴离体细胞培养基转移方法研究旁效应早期过程的思想, 在植物个体上实现旁区与辐照区的“分离”与“组合”,构建了一种研究个体远程辐射信号早期传递过程的植物实验体系。 具体是以模式植物拟南芥菜转基因系(AtRAD54promoter∶∶GUS)为材料, 同源重组修复相关基因AtRAD54表达水平为生物学检测终点,人为地将辐照区的组织(或器官)与旁区部分“分离”或“嫁接”,通过测定旁区组织(或器官)的AtRAD54基因表达水平变化,研究其辐射信号传递的早期过程。该研究体系的创建为活体旁效应早期过程的研究提供了一种可行的研究方法。 Increasing data have been accumulated for the existence and manifestation of radiation induced bystander effects (RIBE) in the wholeorganism context. However,the early signaling in RIBE in vivo has been unclear due to the lack of relevant methodology. In the present study,a novel plant experimental system for studying the early signaling in RIBE in vivo was established, in which the expression level of HR related AtRAD54 gene was measured as a biological endpoint,and the root cutting and grafting were used to stop and restore the signaling communication from irradiated roots to bystander aerial plants.


    Abstract: Increasing data have been accumulated for the existence and manifestation of radiationinduced bystander effects (RIBE) in the whole organism context. However, the early signaling in RIBE in vivo has been unclear due to the lack of relevant methodology. In the present study,a novel plant experimental system for studying the early signaling in RIBE in vivo was established,in which the expression level of HR related AtRAD54 gene was measured as a biological endpoint, and the root cutting and grafting were used to stop and restore the signaling communication from irradiated roots to bystander aerial plants.


