

Numerical Simulation of Azimuthal Anisotropy of Direct Photons in High Energy Nucleusnucleus Collisions

  • 摘要: 通过计算给出了在LHC能区非对心核核碰撞中由椭圆流ν2 表示的高横动量直接光子的方位角不对称性。该高横动量光子是由喷注与热密介质相互作用而辐射出来的。光子椭圆流与强子椭圆流ν2 相差π/2的相位, 是直接光子椭圆流中负值的来源。同时, 计算表明LHC能区直接光子ν2随粒子横动量pT的变化趋势与RHIC上的实验结果一致, 但LHC能区较RHIC能区有更低的直接光子流ν2 值, 且ν2 值由负到正对应的转换pT值更高。这表明在LHC能区喷注淬火效应更为明显, 表面发射的直接光子对光子椭圆流的贡献份额增强。The azimuthal anisotropy of high pT direct photons is investigated by using the coefficient of elliptic flow ν2 in non-central nucleus-nucleus collision at LHC energies. These photons come from radiation induced by the interaction between jet and hot/dense medium. The azimuthal anisotropy of high pT direct photons is investigated by using the coefficient of elliptic flow ν2 in non-central nucleus-nucleus collision at LHC energies. These photons come There is π/2 difference between direct photons and hadrons for the azimuthal elliptic flow ν2. Such photons are the main source of the negative part of ν2 for direct photons. The dependence of the direct photon ν2 on the transverse momentum pT at LHC energy is found to be consistent with the experimental results at RHIC energy. Furthermore, we find that the value of the direct photon ν2 at LHC energy is smaller than that at RHIC energy. The value of the transverse momentum at which the direct photon ν2 changes from negative value to positive at LHC is higher than that at RHIC. It’sfound the enhanced jetquenching effect and enhanced contribution for the elliptic flow ν2 of the direct photons emitted from surface at LHC energy.


    Abstract: The azimuthal anisotropy of high pT direct photons is investigated by using the coefficient of elliptic flow ν2 in non-central nucleus-nucleus collision at LHC energies. These photons come from radiation induced by the interaction between jet and hot/dense medium. The azimuthal anisotropy of high pT direct photons is investigated by using the coefficient of elliptic flow ν2 in non-central nucleus-nucleus collision at LHC energies. These photons come There is π/2 difference between direct photons and hadrons for the azimuthal elliptic flow ν2. Such photons are the main source of the negative part of ν2 for direct photons. The dependence of the direct photon ν2 on the transverse momentum pT at LHC energy is found to be consistent with the experimental results at RHIC energy. Furthermore, we find that the value of the direct photon ν2 at LHC energy is smaller than that at RHIC energy. The value of the transverse momentum at which the direct photon ν2 changes from negative value to positive at LHC is higher than that at RHIC. It’sfound the enhanced jetquenching effect and enhanced contribution for the elliptic flow ν2 of the direct photons emitted from surface at LHC energy.


