Study on Structure of Unstable Nuclei through Breakup and Knockout Reactions at Intermediate and High Energies
摘要: 中高能区的破碎和敲出反应, 由于机制相对简单、 对核的表面敏感、 理论处理比较成熟等原因, 在非稳定核的晕结构、 壳移动等奇特性质研究中发挥了独到作用。 针对次级束流强度较弱、 能散较大等特点, 实验上发展和应用了逆运动学有效立体角完全测量、 轻重靶结合、 高精度消色差磁谱仪、 前向中子谱仪、 在束γ测量等技术手段, 大大提升了实验的探测能力和选择性。 从物理问题探索和实验路线演变的角度, 回顾了非稳定核破碎和敲出反应的发展过程与启示, 并探讨未来的走向。 The breakup and knockout reactions at intermediate and high energies are of the advantages such as simple reaction mechanism, sensitive to the surface of the nucleus, mature theoretical treatment and so on, and therefore have been applied successfully to the study of exotic structure of unstable nuclei. In order to deal with the problems of the secondary beam which often has large beam spot size and energy spread, the special experimental methods and techniques, such as inverse kinematics complete detection, combining light and heavy targets, high resolution dispersionmatch magnetic spectrometer, forward neutron spectrometer, inbeam γ spectroscopyetc, have been developed and applied over the time, allowing much improved detection capability and sensitivity. This report gives an overview of the progress made with the breakup and knockout reactions for unstable nuclei study, based essentially on the new physics explored and the evolution of the experimental method applied. Possible future developments are also discussed.Abstract: The breakup and knockout reactions at intermediate and high energies are of the advantages such as simple reaction mechanism, sensitive to the surface of the nucleus, mature theoretical treatment and so on, and therefore have been applied successfully to the study of exotic structure of unstable nuclei. In order to deal with the problems of the secondary beam which often has large beam spot size and energy spread, the special experimental methods and techniques, such as inverse kinematics complete detection, combining light and heavy targets, high resolution dispersionmatch magnetic spectrometer, forward neutron spectrometer, inbeam γ spectroscopyetc, have been developed and applied over the time, allowing much improved detection capability and sensitivity. This report gives an overview of the progress made with the breakup and knockout reactions for unstable nuclei study, based essentially on the new physics explored and the evolution of the experimental method applied. Possible future developments are also discussed.