Survey on the Impact of Environment on Nuclear Decay Rate
摘要: 核衰变速率是否受核外环境影响, 一直是核物理研究的热点问题。 这一问题不仅对核物理基础研究很重要, 而且与天体物理、 地质年代学、 凝聚态物理和核废物处理等都有重要关系。 旨在对这方面研究工作的进展做一介绍。
The possible change of nuclear decay rates in different environments has long been an interesting topic due to its importance not only in nuclear physics but also in astrophysics, geological dating, condensed matter physics, disposal of nuclear waste etc. The progresses in the investigation of variations in nuclear decay rates are reviewed.Abstract: The possible change of nuclear decay rates in different environments has long been an interesting topic due to its importance not only in nuclear physics but also in astrophysics, geological dating, condensed matter physics, disposal of nuclear waste etc. The progresses in the investigation of variations in nuclear decay rates are reviewed.