动力学孔径对环形加速器, 尤其是现代的储存环, 起着越来越重要的作用。采用MAD程序研究了兰州重离子加速器实验环(CSRe)的动力学孔径。通过对比几种情况下的模拟结果, 发现六极铁和二极铁的高阶场对束流的动力学孔径影响较大, 使CSRe的动力学孔径减小, 但减小后的动力学孔径也远大于该环的物理孔径。因此, 束流可以长期、 稳定的存在。Dynamic aperture(DA) is playing a more and more important role in circular accelerators, especially in the modern storage rings. In this paper, the DA of CSRe is analyzed by MAD program. Comparing the DA under various assumptions, we find that the multipole errors in dipoles or quadrupoles, and the sextupoles which bring strong nonlinearities, and limit the DA of CSRe. Fortunately, the DA is larger than the physical aperture in all the cases, and that is large enough to satisfy the high precision physical experimental request.