High Spin States in Odd-odd 172Re
摘要: 对149Sm(27Al, 4n)172Re反应产生的172Re在束γ的实验数据进行了重新分析, 新发现了可归属于172Re的3个转动带, 由此建立了由6个转动带构成的172Re高自旋态能级纲图。依据相邻核的带结构知识和推转壳模型分析方法, 对新发现的3个转动带的准粒子组态进行了指定, 讨论了它们的转动特征。We have reanalyzed the experimental data of inbeam γ spectroscopy for 172Re via the 149Sm(27Al, 4n)172Re reaction. Three rotational bands have been newly found and assigned to 172Re. A new level scheme of 172Re, consisting of 6 bands, is thus presented. Based on the existing knowlegde from the neighboring nuclei and the cranked shell model, the quasiparticle configurtions have been assigned to the 3 newly observed bands and their structure properties have been dicussed.Abstract: We have reanalyzed the experimental data of inbeam γ spectroscopy for 172Re via the 149Sm(27Al, 4n)172Re reaction. Three rotational bands have been newly found and assigned to 172Re. A new level scheme of 172Re, consisting of 6 bands, is thus presented. Based on the existing knowlegde from the neighboring nuclei and the cranked shell model, the quasiparticle configurtions have been assigned to the 3 newly observed bands and their structure properties have been dicussed.