

Simulation of Two-pion Correlation Function for Partially Coherent Source

  • 摘要: 核-核碰撞可以简单看成核子\|核子碰撞, 每一核子-核子碰撞产生的源可用经典流表示。对于时空函数的经典流系综, 当源部分相干时, 全同两粒子玻色-爱因斯坦关联函数公式应包含混沌和相干项。根据蒙特卡罗的模拟计算思想, 由混沌源2π关联函数的模拟计算出发, 得到部分相干源关联函数的模拟计算方法。 在相对动量q的out和side方向上, 对部分相干源关联函数进行蒙特卡罗模拟计算, 计算得到源的半径Rout在误差范围内近似等于Rside。Nucleus-nucleus collisions are simply regarded as sum of nucleon-nucleon collisions. Particle sources produced by nucleon\|nucleon collisions are treated as classical current. For the classical current formalism ensemble of space-time function there are two terms in two identical particle Bose-Einstein correlation function when sources are partially coherent and one is called coherent term, the other is chaotic one. According to Monte Carlo simulating theory, the algorithm for calculating correlation function of partially coherent sources is derived by generalizing chaotic one. The correlation function of partially coherent sources is simulated by this method at out and side direction of relative momentum, and the out radius of sources from the fitted result is approximately equal to the side one within the error range


    Abstract: Nucleus-nucleus collisions are simply regarded as sum of nucleon-nucleon collisions. Particle sources produced by nucleon\|nucleon collisions are treated as classical current. For the classical current formalism ensemble of space-time function there are two terms in two identical particle Bose-Einstein correlation function when sources are partially coherent and one is called coherent term, the other is chaotic one. According to Monte Carlo simulating theory, the algorithm for calculating correlation function of partially coherent sources is derived by generalizing chaotic one. The correlation function of partially coherent sources is simulated by this method at out and side direction of relative momentum, and the out radius of sources from the fitted result is approximately equal to the side one within the error range


