

Jet-photon Conversion in Expanding Quark gluon Plasma

  • 摘要: 提出了一种夸克胶子等离子体中的喷注光子转换机制。 对于热光子而言, 在热夸克胶子媒介中的喷注光子转换是一个非常重要的热光子来源。 喷注可以通过次级康普顿散射和湮灭过程来实现喷注光子转换。 此外, 还考虑了在快光子产生过程中起重要修正作用的胶子光子贡献, 其中,核遮蔽效应和同位旋效应也被引入到了部分子模型中。We develop a jetphoton conversion mechanism in the expanding quark gluon plasma. The jetphoton conversion in hot quarkgluon medium is a vital source of the thermal photon production. The jet converts into photons via the secondary Compton and annihilation processes in the quarkgluon plasma. The gluonphotons are also considered in the calculation of prompt photons which includes the effect of the shadowing and isospin of nucleus. We find that the prompt gluonphotons are also an important modification to prompt photons.


    Abstract: We develop a jetphoton conversion mechanism in the expanding quark gluon plasma. The jetphoton conversion in hot quarkgluon medium is a vital source of the thermal photon production. The jet converts into photons via the secondary Compton and annihilation processes in the quarkgluon plasma. The gluonphotons are also considered in the calculation of prompt photons which includes the effect of the shadowing and isospin of nucleus. We find that the prompt gluonphotons are also an important modification to prompt photons.


