Evaluation of Cumulative Yields for Short lived Fission Products from 238U(n,f)
摘要: 为满足堆内或核爆中链式反应过程的燃耗值的计算需要,对裂变谱中子和14MeV中子诱发238U裂变的短寿命产物核的累积产额进行了评价。评价利用了所有可利用的实验数据, 经物理分析后, 使用AVERAGE程序加权平均, 用ZOTT程序进行同时评价, 给出了所要求能点的唯一最佳推荐数据, 并将评价结果与ENDF/B-VII, JEF-2.2, JENDL-3.2和CENDL-2的推荐数据进行了比较。 评价结果将用于CENDL-2的更新与升级。For reliable and consistent nuclear calculation, the cumulative yields for shortlived fission products are evaluated based on the available experimental data for 238U fission induced by fission spectrum neutrons and ~14 MeV neutrons. The data are processed using codes AVERAGE for weighed average and ZOOT for simultaneous evaluation. The evaluated data are compared with those in the major international nuclear data libraries, including ENDF/B-VII, JEF-2.2, JENDL-3.2 and CENDL-2. The present evaluation will be used to improve and update the CENDL-2 library.Abstract: For reliable and consistent nuclear calculation, the cumulative yields for shortlived fission products are evaluated based on the available experimental data for 238U fission induced by fission spectrum neutrons and ~14 MeV neutrons. The data are processed using codes AVERAGE for weighed average and ZOOT for simultaneous evaluation. The evaluated data are compared with those in the major international nuclear data libraries, including ENDF/B-VII, JEF-2.2, JENDL-3.2 and CENDL-2. The present evaluation will be used to improve and update the CENDL-2 library.