Photoluminescence of Lowenergy Co Ions Implanted Crystal ZnO
摘要: 采用离子注入法研究了Co离子注入ZnO晶体的光致发光效应。 对离子注入后的样品在Ar气保护下进行退火处理, 退火温度为700 ℃, 退火时间为10 min, 在其光致发光谱中观察到了406和370 nm的紫光发射峰。 对比了Co, Cu离子分别注入的ZnO晶体的光致发光谱, 观测到二者的光致发光谱类似。 同时, 研究了Co离子注入剂量对样品发光性质的影响, 结果表明随注入剂量的增加绿色发光中心逐渐向低能边偏移, 分析认为绿色发光中心的偏移与离子注入后ZnO晶体的禁带宽度发生改变相关。 In this paper, ion implantation techniques were used to study the photoluminescence(PL) of the Coimplanted crystal ZnO. After Coion implanted, the samples were annealed at 700 ℃ for 10 min in Ar gas flow. It was observed violet emission peak of 406 and 370 nm in the PL spectrum. The PL spectra of the ZnO crystal samples which were implanted by Co ions and Cu ions, respectively, have been compared and observed that the PL spectrum of the Coimplanted ZnO is similar to that of the Cuimplanted ZnO. We studied the influence of implantation dose on the PL of the Coimplanted ZnO and found that the green luminescence centre shifted with increasing of implantation dose. It is concluded that the shift of the green luminescence centre is related to the change of ZnO band gap which was caused by ion implantation.Abstract: In this paper, ion implantation techniques were used to study the photoluminescence(PL) of the Coimplanted crystal ZnO. After Coion implanted, the samples were annealed at 700 ℃ for 10 min in Ar gas flow. It was observed violet emission peak of 406 and 370 nm in the PL spectrum. The PL spectra of the ZnO crystal samples which were implanted by Co ions and Cu ions, respectively, have been compared and observed that the PL spectrum of the Coimplanted ZnO is similar to that of the Cuimplanted ZnO. We studied the influence of implantation dose on the PL of the Coimplanted ZnO and found that the green luminescence centre shifted with increasing of implantation dose. It is concluded that the shift of the green luminescence centre is related to the change of ZnO band gap which was caused by ion implantation.