

Equivalent Twobody Method for Helium like Ions

  • 摘要: 介绍了求解三体问题的等效两体方法,将等效两体方法推广到原子系统,利用该方法求解类氦离子的基态,与一般的单参数变分法相比得到了与实验值符合得更好的结果,进而利用双参数变分法对所得结果进行了检验。 结果表明,等效两体方法同样适用于求解原子系统中的三体问题。

    An extended equivalent twobody method for threebody systems is introduced in this article. The method is applied to an atomic threebody system. Energies and wave functions of a heliumlike ion are calculated,which are consistent with the experimental data much better,in contrast to the results obtained by a oneparameter calculus of variations approach. Then we use a twoparameter calculus of variations approach to verify the precision of the ground state energy and wave function obtained by the extended equivalent twobody method. These results indicated that the extended equivalent two body method is applicable to an atomic threebody problem.


    Abstract: An extended equivalent twobody method for threebody systems is introduced in this article. The method is applied to an atomic threebody system. Energies and wave functions of a heliumlike ion are calculated,which are consistent with the experimental data much better,in contrast to the results obtained by a oneparameter calculus of variations approach. Then we use a twoparameter calculus of variations approach to verify the precision of the ground state energy and wave function obtained by the extended equivalent twobody method. These results indicated that the extended equivalent two body method is applicable to an atomic threebody problem.


