

A 127° Radial Position Sensitive Electrostatic Coaxial Cylindrical Spectrometer

  • 摘要: 针对高电荷态离子与表面作用产生的溅射离子能谱测量,研制了一台127°径向位置灵敏柱形静电离子能谱仪。利用能量为800 keV的Ar8+离子轰击金属铍靶产生的溅射离子测试了本谱仪。 测试结果表明,该谱仪克服了传统静电谱仪通过扫描工作电压单能量点取谱的缺点, 实现分段取谱——在单个工作电压下可同时获取一段0.85Ec≤E≤1.15Ec范围的能谱, 从而提高测量效率。 A 127° electrostatic coaxial cylindrical energy spectrometer with a radial position sensitive MCP detector is designed for sputtering ions measurement. It has been tested by measuring the energy spectrum of the sputtering ions in the collision of 800 keV Ar8+ bombarding beryllium target. A segment of the energy spectrum (0.85Ec≤E≤1.15Ec) can be obtained at one working voltage (U), which is much efficient than the traditional pointtopoint voltage scanning method.


    Abstract: A 127° electrostatic coaxial cylindrical energy spectrometer with a radial position sensitive MCP detector is designed for sputtering ions measurement. It has been tested by measuring the energy spectrum of the sputtering ions in the collision of 800 keV Ar8+ bombarding beryllium target. A segment of the energy spectrum (0.85Ec≤E≤1.15Ec) can be obtained at one working voltage (U), which is much efficient than the traditional pointtopoint voltage scanning method.


