High Energy Electron Beam and γrays Irradiation Degradation of Chlorophenols in Aqueous Solution
摘要: 多氯酚污染物是一类具有强烈生物毒性,并且在环境中难以降解的持久性有机污染物, 对其生物危害和降解研究已成为环境科学界关注的热点。对高能电子束和γ射线辐照降解氯酚类持久有机污染物的降解机理和重要进展进行了概述,并报道了课题组应用γ射线辐照和臭氧相结合技术,处理经生化工艺后仍含有多氯酚的工业废水的研究情况。结果表明, 辐照O3氧化联合降解工业废水具有显著的协同效应, 可以有效提高溶解有机碳的去除率。
Chlorinated phenols have been paid great concerns recently because of their extreme toxicity and persistency in the environment. The paper reviews mainly the recent progresses on irradiation degradation of chlorinated phenols in aqueous solution by using high energy electron beam & γrays. Mechanisms dealing with the irradiation degradation of chlorophenols and the different effect on degradation efficiency have been discussed. The results show that synergetic effect of the combination of γ irradiation and O3 on degradation of chlorinated phenols is significant.Abstract: Chlorinated phenols have been paid great concerns recently because of their extreme toxicity and persistency in the environment. The paper reviews mainly the recent progresses on irradiation degradation of chlorinated phenols in aqueous solution by using high energy electron beam & γrays. Mechanisms dealing with the irradiation degradation of chlorophenols and the different effect on degradation efficiency have been discussed. The results show that synergetic effect of the combination of γ irradiation and O3 on degradation of chlorinated phenols is significant.