Study of CSR Longitudinal Bunch Compression Cavity
摘要: 针对兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环的发展目标,为了满足高能量密度(涉及重离子驱动惯性约束核聚变新能源)等物理研究的需要, 使用三维电磁场计算程序MAFIA研究了一种新型的适用于CSR的纵向束团压缩腔。 此纵向束团压缩腔采用高磁导率软磁合金材料进行加载,相比于铁氧体加载的高频腔, 可以得到高的电场梯度。以250 MeV/u的238U72+离子为例进行了模拟计算, 得出了此纵向束团压缩腔的工作频率为1.15 MHz, 峰值工作电压为80 kV, 由两个1/4波长同轴谐振腔组成, 每个谐振腔峰值工作电压为40 kV,能够满足在CSR上进行纵向束团压缩的要求。
The scheme of longitudinal bunch compression cavity for the Cooling Storage Ring(CSR) is an important issue. Plasma physics experiments require high density heavy ion beam and short pulsed bunch, which can be produced by nonadiabatic compression of bunch implemented by a fast compression with 90° rotation in the longitudinal phase space. The phase space rotation in fast compression is initiated by a fast jump of the RFvoltage amplitude. For this purpose, the CSR longitudinal bunch compression cavity, loaded with FINEMETFT1M is studied and simulated with MAFIA code. In this paper, the CSR longitudinal bunch compression cavity is simulated and the initial bunch length of 238U72+ with 250 MeV/u will be compressed from 200 ns to 50 ns. The construction and RF properties of the CSR longitudinal bunch compression cavity are simulated and calculated also with MAFIA code. The operation frequency of the cavity is 1.15 MHz with peak voltage of 80kV, and the cavity can be used to compress heavy ions in the CSR.Abstract: The scheme of longitudinal bunch compression cavity for the Cooling Storage Ring(CSR) is an important issue. Plasma physics experiments require high density heavy ion beam and short pulsed bunch, which can be produced by nonadiabatic compression of bunch implemented by a fast compression with 90° rotation in the longitudinal phase space. The phase space rotation in fast compression is initiated by a fast jump of the RFvoltage amplitude. For this purpose, the CSR longitudinal bunch compression cavity, loaded with FINEMETFT1M is studied and simulated with MAFIA code. In this paper, the CSR longitudinal bunch compression cavity is simulated and the initial bunch length of 238U72+ with 250 MeV/u will be compressed from 200 ns to 50 ns. The construction and RF properties of the CSR longitudinal bunch compression cavity are simulated and calculated also with MAFIA code. The operation frequency of the cavity is 1.15 MHz with peak voltage of 80kV, and the cavity can be used to compress heavy ions in the CSR.