

Approximate Analytical Solution of Vortices with Quantum n=90—110 in Dual Superconductor Model

  • 摘要: 研究了对偶超导模型的大n涡旋。 基于变分原理得出了AbelianHiggs模型在n=90—110的近似涡旋解析解, 并计算了涡旋张力对n的依赖性。 发现, 每根涡旋的张力大致随n线性增长。 期望该解对理解AbelianHiggs模型中的大量子数涡旋的墙行为具有一定价值。
    The large n vortices in the dual superconductor model was investigated. An approximate analytical solution was obtained for nfold quantized vortices with n=90—110 by variationally solving the AbelianHiggs model, and the vortex tension was calculated as a function of n. It was found that the vortex tension rises linearly as n grows. It is hoped that our solution shines light on the understanding of the wall behavior of the large n vortices in AbelianHiggs model.


    Abstract: The large n vortices in the dual superconductor model was investigated. An approximate analytical solution was obtained for nfold quantized vortices with n=90—110 by variationally solving the AbelianHiggs model, and the vortex tension was calculated as a function of n. It was found that the vortex tension rises linearly as n grows. It is hoped that our solution shines light on the understanding of the wall behavior of the large n vortices in AbelianHiggs model.


