Research on Excited States in N=127 Isotones with Relativistic Mean Field Theory
摘要: 在球形相对论平均场模型下,采用PK1和NL3相互作用, 对N=127同中子核素的基态和低激发态进行了研究,获得了价核子的激发能及中子、 质子和最后一个中子的密度分布, 指出209Pb的3d5/2,4s1/2和3d3/2激发态可能存在一个中子晕结构,207Hg,208Tl,210Bi和211Po的3d5/2,4s1/2及3d3/2激发态也可能存在一个中子晕结构。
Properties of the ground state and the excited states in N=127 isotones are investigated with relativistic mean field theory with the interactions PK1 and NL3. By analyzing the rms of proton and neutron, the single particle levels of valence nucleon and the density distributions of neutron, proton and the last neutron, it can be found that there exists a neutron halo in the excited states of 3d5/2,4s1/2 and 3d3/2. It is also predicted that there exists a neutron halo in the excited states of 3d5/2,4s1/2 and 3d3/2 in 207Hg,208Tl,210Bi and 211Po.Abstract: Properties of the ground state and the excited states in N=127 isotones are investigated with relativistic mean field theory with the interactions PK1 and NL3. By analyzing the rms of proton and neutron, the single particle levels of valence nucleon and the density distributions of neutron, proton and the last neutron, it can be found that there exists a neutron halo in the excited states of 3d5/2,4s1/2 and 3d3/2. It is also predicted that there exists a neutron halo in the excited states of 3d5/2,4s1/2 and 3d3/2 in 207Hg,208Tl,210Bi and 211Po.