Research of γray Measurement with Liquid Scintillation Detector
摘要: 利用几种单能γ源对BC501A型液体闪烁体探测器进行能量刻度, 以得到探测器对电子的光输出响应函数。 介绍了用蒙特卡罗模拟法确定康普顿边缘所对应的电子能量的方法, 得到的结果与用半高点确定康普顿边缘方法所得的结果做了比较。 利用德国PTB开发的PHRESP蒙特卡罗程序计算出液体闪烁体探测器对各种单能γ射线的光响应矩阵, 阐述了利用γ射线响应函数矩阵和γ射线的反冲电子谱求解待测γ能谱的原理, 对解谱的误差来源也进行了简要的分析。
The light output of the BC501A liquid scintillation detector for
γrays was calibrated by serial monoenergetic γray sources. The Monte Carlo simulation method to confirm Compton edge was described briefly. The result was compared with that obtained by the semiheight method. The γray response matrix of BC501A liquid scintillation detector was calculated by the Monte Carlo code PHRESP from PTB. The method of using response function matrix and recoil electron spectrum to unfold γray energy spectrum was introduced and the error of unfolding spectrum was also briefly discussed.
Abstract: The light output of the BC501A liquid scintillation detector for γrays was calibrated by serial monoenergetic γray sources. The Monte Carlo simulation method to confirm Compton edge was described briefly. The result was compared with that obtained by the semiheight method. The γray esponse matrix of BC501A liquid scintillation detector was calculated by the Monte Carlo code PHRESP from PTB. The method of using response function matrix and recoil electron spectrum to unfold γray energy spectrum was introduced and the error of unfolding spectrum was also briefly discussed.