Longrange Correlation of Excitation Functions in Dissipative Heavy Ion Collision of 19F+27AI
摘要: 在中国原子能科学研究院的HI 13串列静电加速器上完成了19F+27Al耗散反应产物的激发函数测量。 束流19F的入射能量从110.25 MeV到118.75 MeV, 步长250 keV, 测量了实验室系+57°, +31°, -15°和-29°出射的类弹产物B, C, N, O, F和Ne的激发函数。 观测到激发函数具有耗散反应的特征涨落结构, 分析了激发函数之间的长程角度关联以及强烈的电荷数关联。 Excitation functions have been measured for the projectilelike fragments of B, C, N, O, F and Ne in the 27Al(19F,x)y reactions at incident energies from 110.25 MeV to 118.75 MeV in 250 keV steps. Strong cross section fluctuations in the excitation functions has been observed. The crosscorrelation coefficients of the excitation functions for different atomic number Z and for different scattering angle θ cm have been deduced. These coefficients are much larger than the statistical theoretical calculated ones. This indicates that there are strong correlations between different exit channels in the dissipative heavy ion collision of 27Al(19F, x)y.Abstract: Excitation functions have been measured for the projectilelike fragments of B, C, N, O, F and Ne in the 27Al(19F,x)y reactions at incident energies from 110.25 MeV to 118.75 MeV in 250 keV steps. Strong cross section fluctuations in the excitation functions has been observed. The crosscorrelation coefficients of the excitation functions for different atomic number Z and for different scattering angle θ cm have been deduced. These coefficients are much larger than the statistical theoretical calculated ones. This indicates that there are strong correlations between different exit channels in the dissipative heavy ion collision of 27Al(19F, x)y.