Present Status of Studies of Low Energy Particles and X ray Transmissions in Carbon Nanotube (Rope)
摘要: 高能粒子(沟道)传输时, 粒子质量与入射能量有关。 低能粒子(沟道)传输时, 粒子(静止)质量与入射能量无关。 与其说高低能量区别, 不如说质量观念区别; 因此两者研究是不同观念的研究。 沟道连续势阱的柱状对称性与碳纳米管结构的变化无关。 X射线(沟道)传输表现为两方面: 在波动性方面, 它遵守光学散射规律; 在粒子性方面, 它被沟道连续势阱束缚。
For highenergy particle transmission, its mass depends on its incident energy. For lowenergy particle transmission, its (static) mass is independent of its incident energy. The difference between the mass ideas is rather than that between high and low energies. Thus, these two transmission studies are very different in ideas. The column symmetry of transverse continuum potential well is independent of the nanotube structure. Xray transmission consists of two aspects: as wave, it is scattered by the laws of ray optics; as particle, it is captured in the transverse continuum potential well.Abstract: For highenergy particle transmission, its mass depends on its incident energy. For lowenergy particle transmission, its (static) mass is independent of its incident energy. The difference between the mass ideas is rather than that between high and low energies. Thus, these two transmission studies are very different in ideas. The column symmetry of transverse continuum potential well is independent of the nanotube structure. Xray transmission consists of two aspects: as wave, it is scattered by the laws of ray optics; as particle, it is captured in the transverse continuum potential well.