金属环境中低能D(d, p)T反应的研究
Study of Low- energy D-D Fusion Reaction in Metal
摘要: 近年来一系列实验表明, 金属环境中的低能带电粒子引起的核反应截面与气体靶中的相比出现明显增大, 这种现象通常被归结为电子屏蔽效应。 全面介绍了金属环境中D(d, p)T反应电子屏蔽效应的测量方法、 数据分析和实验结果的规律性, 并简要论述了包括德拜等离子体模型在内的各种理论模型对实验结果的解释。 通过研究, 可以获得有关核物理、 核天体物理和凝聚态物理的宝贵知识。
The cross sections σ(E) of low energy nuclear reactions induced by charged particles in metallic environment are much larger than that in gas. Generally, it was taken as the effect of the electron screening. In this work, the experimental method of the D(d, p)T reaction in metallic environment was introduced. The data analysis and the regularity of experimental results were also discussed. All kinds of theoretical models including the Debye model were discussed, which can roughly explain the results of the experiments. The valuable knowledge of nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics and condensed state physics can be obtained in the study of lowenergy nuclear reaction in metallic environment.Abstract: The cross sections σ(E) of low energy nuclear reactions induced by charged particles in metallic environment are much larger than that in gas. Generally, it was taken as the effect of the electron screening. In this work, the experimental method of the D(d, p)T reaction in metallic environment was introduced. The data analysis and the regularity of experimental results were also discussed. All kinds of theoretical models including the Debye model were discussed, which can roughly explain the results of the experiments. The valuable knowledge of nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics and condensed state physics can be obtained in the study of lowenergy nuclear reaction in metallic environment.