Genetic Diversity Analysis between New Cultivar “DGA2000-02” of Angelic sinensis and Its Control Cultivar “Mingui No.1”
摘要: 当归新品系“DGA200002”是利用兰州重离子加速器研究装置(HIRFL)对“岷归1号”进行重离子束辐照选育出来的。 与岷归1号相比, DGA200002表现出更强的抗病性, 产量也有较大提高。 对这两个品种的表型、 品质及遗传差异进行了系统的分析。 为将来进一步选育产量高、 品质好及抗逆性强的新品种提供研究基础。
Abstract: The new angelica cultivar, “DGA200002”, was selected from “Mingui No.1” after irradiated by heavy ions on its dry seeds. “DGA200002” exhibits potent disease resistance and higher yield compared to “Mingui No.1”. In this study, their phenotypes, quality and random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD) were analyzed, and this basic work is expected to be helpful to the coming new cultivar breeding.