Study of Mutation Breeding with Heavy Ion Irradiations on Potatoes
摘要: 在2000—2005年将杂交技术和重离子辐射相结合, 采用55 MeV/u的 40Ar17+离子对马铃薯杂交种子和微型薯进行了不同剂量的贯穿辐射或离子注入处理。 结果表明, 对马铃薯微型薯进行重离子辐射能显著提高块茎的产量。 而杂交技术和重离子辐射相结合是一种更高效的育种方式, 不仅能提高块茎的增产幅度, 还能改善其加工品质。 微型薯重离子辐射的最佳剂量为60 Gy, 杂交种子辐射的适宜剂量范围在60—120 Gy之间。 通过对辐射后代的多年选育, 获得了几个产量显著高于对照、 品质优良的马铃薯新品系。 The effect of 55 MeV/u 40Ar17+ irradiation with different doses on hybrid seeds and microtubers of potatoes were studied from year 2000 to 2005. The results showed that the yields of potatoes irradiated by heavy ions grew significantly. This new mutation method combining cross breeding technique with heavy ion irradiation is more effective, which could not only increase the yield of potatoes, but also improve their quality. The optimal mutagenic dose was 60 Gy to microtubers of potatoes, 60—120 Gy to hybrid seeds, respectively. Finally, several new lines which have higher yield and better qualities were obtained through multigeneration screening from the offspring of irradiated potatoes.
Abstract: The effect of 55 MeV/u 40Ar17+ irradiation with different doses on hybrid seeds and microtubers of potatoes were studied from year 2000 to 2005. The results showed that the yields of potatoes irradiated by heavy ions grew significantly. This new mutation method combining cross breeding technique with heavy ion irradiation is more effective, which could not only increase the yield of potatoes, but also improve their quality. The optimal mutagenic dose was 60 Gy to microtubers of potatoes, 60—120 Gy to hybrid seeds, respectively. Finally, several new lines which have higher yield and better qualities were obtained through multigeneration screening from the offspring of irradiated potatoes.