

On Possible Glueball Nature of Soft Pomeron

  • 摘要: 通过把坡密子与观察到的量子数为 IGJPC=0+2++的同位旋张量介子联系起来的思想, 研究了坡密子的胶子内涵。 有4个由胶子组成的这样的介子都满足坡密子自旋与质量的关系。 这些坡密子的候选者可能是混杂态。 它们其中之一 f2(2 220)介子可能包含着最大的胶子球成分。 阐明了实验上还不清楚的关于这个介子宽度的问题, 并给出了它的理论下限。 也说明为什么这个介子没有在p实验中发现的原因。 We study the gluonic content of the Pomeron through relating the Pomeron trajectory to the observed IGJPC=0+2++ isoscalar tensor mesons. Four of these mesons satisfy the spinmass relation of the Pomeron. These Pomeronian candidates may be hybrid states. One of them, the f2(2 220) meson, can have a predominant glueball component. We address the unsettled experimental situation about the width of this meson and give a theoretical lower bound for it. We also show why this meson has not been seen in p experiments.


    Abstract: We study the gluonic content of the Pomeron through relating the Pomeron trajectory to the observed IGJPC=0+2++ isoscalar tensor mesons. Four of these mesons satisfy the spinmass relation of the Pomeron. These Pomeronian candidates may be hybrid states. One of them, the f2(2 220) meson, can have a predominant glueball component. We address the unsettled experimental situation about the width of this meson and give a theoretical lower bound for it. We also show why this meson has not been seen in p experiments.


