Numerical Simulation of Sample Movement Characteristics of Neutron Activated Analysis Rabbit System on Shenguang Ⅲ Prototype ICF
摘要: 针对神光Ⅲ原型激光装置上中子活化样品的传递问题, 研究并设计了“跑兔”系统。 介绍了神光Ⅲ原型装置上跑兔系统的结构与布局设计, 采用气动方程详细计算并分析了样品传输过程中气源压力、 润滑剂粘滞系数及样品盒与管壁的间距变化对样品速度变化的影响。 结果表明, 跑兔装置可在2.24 s的时间范围内将样品传输到指定位置, 基本达到了系统设计要求。 数值模拟结果可对“跑兔”系统的参数选取提供数值参考。
Abstract: In order to resolve the transport problem of neutron activated sample on Shenguang Ⅲ prototype, a rabbit system was designed. The structure and layout of the rabbit system on Shenguang Ⅲ prototype is introduced. By using pneumatic equation, the effects of gas pressure, viscous coefficient of lubricant and the distance between sample capsule and pipe wall on sample velocity were calculated and analyzed. The result shows that the rabbit system can transport the sample to designed position in 2.24 s, which basically satisfy the requirement of system design. This paper provides numerical reference for parameter choice of the rabbit system.