


  • 摘要: 核材料辐射出的γ射线对人体有很强的辐射损伤, 实际工作中多用铅玻璃对其进行屏蔽。 以甲状腺为研究对象, 应用蒙特卡罗方法通用软件MCNP4B程序建立模型, 模拟计算了操作人员在操作核弹头时, 弹头中产生的γ射线透过各种厚度的铅玻璃时人体甲状腺吸收剂量率。 结果表明, 铅玻璃确有良好的降低γ射线吸收剂量率的作用。
    The γ ray which is radiated from a nuclear material can cause serious radiation damage to human organs, so lead glass are often used as a shielding material. In this paper, thyroid was the subject investigated. A mathematical model was established by using the general software code MCNP4B. We have calculated a series of thyroid’s absorbed dose rate when the γ ray which was generated from the warhead penetrated the various depths of the lead glass via the model. The results indicate that lead glass work well as a protector against γ rays.


    Abstract: 核材料辐射出的γ射线对人体有很强的辐射损伤, 实际工作中多用铅玻璃对其进行屏蔽。 以甲状腺为研究对象, 应用蒙特卡罗方法通用软件MCNP4B程序建立模型, 模拟计算了操作人员在操作核弹头时, 弹头中产生的γ射线透过各种厚度的铅玻璃时人体甲状腺吸收剂量率。 结果表明, 铅玻璃确有良好的降低γ射线吸收剂量率的作用。
    The γ ray which is radiated from a nuclear material can cause serious radiation damage to human organs, so lead glass are often used as a shielding material. In this paper, thyroid was the subject investigated. A mathematical model was established by using the general software code MCNP4B. We have calculated a series of thyroid’s absorbed dose rate when the γ ray which was generated from the warhead penetrated the various depths of the lead glass via the model. The results indicate that lead glass work well as a protector against γ rays.


