Stability of Color-flavor-locked Phase and Its Phase Transition
摘要: 简要介绍和评述了色味连锁物质的稳定态及其相变,指出高密强相互作用物质由于夸克配对出现了一些奇异相。重点介绍色味连锁(CFL)物质及其中的Goldstone-mode凝聚现象。在考虑奇异数对应化学势μs≠0的情况下,CFL物质中K^0和K^-0都可能发生凝聚。随着重子数密度的增高,强作用物质呈现出丰富相结构,在核物质相与CFL相之间可能存在其它相,但最简单的可能相变过程是直接从核物质相变为CFL物质。这种相变可有两种过程,即两相间仅存在一个极小界面或出现两相混合区域。另外还重点讨论了K^-介子凝聚对相变的影响。Quark matter at high density has a rich phase structure. Goidstone-mode may condense in the color-flavor-locked (CFL) phase matter. We review the stability of CFL phase and its phase transition, as well as the effect of nonzero strangeness chemical potential on the CFL phase of dense quark matter. It is pointed out that, depending on the value of μs, both K^0 and K^-0 may condense in the CFL matter. As a function of quark chemical potential, other phases may intervene between the nuclear-matter and CFL phase. The simplest possibility, however, is a transition between nuclear and CFL matter. Such a transition could occur either at a single sharp interface or through a mixed phase region. The effect of discontinuous K^- meson condensation on the phase transition is also discussed.Abstract: Quark matter at high density has a rich phase structure. Goidstone-mode may condense in the color-flavor-locked (CFL) phase matter. We review the stability of CFL phase and its phase transition, as well as the effect of nonzero strangeness chemical potential on the CFL phase of dense quark matter. It is pointed out that, depending on the value of μs, both K^0 and K^-0 may condense in the CFL matter. As a function of quark chemical potential, other phases may intervene between the nuclear-matter and CFL phase. The simplest possibility, however, is a transition between nuclear and CFL matter. Such a transition could occur either at a single sharp interface or through a mixed phase region. The effect of discontinuous K^- meson condensation on the phase transition is also discussed.