

Quantum Information Processing in the Wall of Microtubule

  • 摘要: 微管管壁上的原丝纤维可以描述成各项异性的二维赝自旋模型,其最小重复单元是三角形状的。在这个模型中存在三种不同的“自旋-自旋”相互作用。而每一维上的自由电子可以看作是赝自旋模型。那么,微管壁上的量子信息传递就可以用Lylod提出的激光控制量子计算的模型来解释。Microtubule (MT) is described as an anisotropic two-dimensional pseudo-spin model on a triangular lattice, in which there are three different "spin-spin" interactions. The mobile electron in each lattice site is described based on the pseudo-spin model. Then, the processing of quantum information in the MT wall is presented by virtue of the scheme of driving quantum computer in sequence of laser pulse developed by Lloyd.


    Abstract: Microtubule (MT) is described as an anisotropic two-dimensional pseudo-spin model on a triangular lattice, in which there are three different "spin-spin" interactions. The mobile electron in each lattice site is described based on the pseudo-spin model. Then, the processing of quantum information in the MT wall is presented by virtue of the scheme of driving quantum computer in sequence of laser pulse developed by Lloyd.


