A Brief Introduction for Jefferson National Laboratory (JLab)
摘要: 简要介绍了JLab的一般情况、JLab高性能加速器CEBAF(Continue Electron Beam Accelerator Facility)和3个实验大厅的主要实验设备。着重介绍了CEBAF的连续束流与实验大厅的高密靶及高精度谱仪结合所得到的高精度实验结果,介绍了JLab实验室要解决的根本问题、相应的物理课题以及中国组正在参与数据分析和正在做的实验。最后简要介绍了CEBAF升级至12 GeV及其带来新的研究机会和新的物理课题,以及中国组与JLab的合作情况。The general situation of JLab is briefly introduced. The accelerator CEBAF with high quality and the equipments in the three Halls are described. The experimental results with high accuracies, which were obtained by using continue beam with high energy resolution, and high density target and high resolution spectrometers in the halls, are presented with two examples. The basic physics problems which JLab intends to solve, and the programs which JLab completed and is going to do, are stated. The programs which China group is cooperating with other groups are emphasized. The energy escalation for CEBAF will bring new opportunities for scientific researches.Abstract: The general situation of JLab is briefly introduced. The accelerator CEBAF with high quality and the equipments in the three Halls are described. The experimental results with high accuracies, which were obtained by using continue beam with high energy resolution, and high density target and high resolution spectrometers in the halls, are presented with two examples. The basic physics problems which JLab intends to solve, and the programs which JLab completed and is going to do, are stated. The programs which China group is cooperating with other groups are emphasized. The energy escalation for CEBAF will bring new opportunities for scientific researches.