
晕核6He(25 MeV/u)在9Be上的破裂反应

  • 摘要: 25 MeV/u 6He+9Be反应的实验中利用多个探测器望远镜对反应产物进行了测量, 对实验中各个角度测量到的4He进行观察, 将其中两个有高能峰成分的探测器划分成三部分, 得到不同角度4He的单举能谱和破裂产生4He的微分截面. Different products of 6He nuclei from 9Be target has been measured with a 6He beam at energy of 25 MeV/u. The energy spectra at different angles for 4He isotope were analyzed and the experiment differential cross sections for the direct breakup reaction were obtained.


    Abstract: Different products of 6He nuclei from 9Be target has been measured with a 6He beam at energy of 25 MeV/u. The energy spectra at different angles for 4He isotope were analyzed and the experiment differential cross sections for the direct breakup reaction were obtained.


