Fifteen Years of Cold Fusion
摘要: 参考在美国麻省理工学院召开的第十届国际冷核聚变会议(ICCF 10)内容,对冷核聚变研究的现状作一简单介绍.国际原子能委员会(IAEA)分管聚变的官员(1995—2001年)T.J.Dolan在清华召开的ICCF 9国际会议上的总结会上提出五种重要的解释冷聚变现象的理论模型,其中有江兴流提出的涡旋动力学模型.涡旋动力学模型的主要论点在于:局域瞬态非平衡体系产生涡旋,而涡旋的内聚作用和极化效应,使体系内的粒子相互靠近,产生局域极化核反应和高度定向的轴向加速高能粒子.这种局域瞬态非平衡体系出现在电极微突起处或多层膜的非平衡点处.这一理论成功地解释了许多异常放热和核嬗变现象,因而受到了广泛重视.对涡旋动力学作以简单介绍. Many papers published in the 10th International Conference of Cold Fusion( MIT, Massachusetts .Aug. 2003) reveal the experimental results of excess heat with a few of products of nuclear reactions. Over the years it is become clear that there are new effects to be surfaced. Thomas J. Dolan listed several interesting theoretical ideas including the model of vortex dynamics proposed by Xingliu Jiang. This model says that excess heat and nuclear reactions in electrical discharge system and other transient...
Abstract: Many papers published in the 10th International Conference of Cold Fusion( MIT, Massachusetts .Aug. 2003) reveal the experimental results of excess heat with a few of products of nuclear reactions. Over the years it is become clear that there are new effects to be surfaced. Thomas J. Dolan listed several interesting theoretical ideas including the model of vortex dynamics proposed by Xingliu Jiang. This model says that excess heat and nuclear reactions in electrical discharge system and other transient...