

Development on Hybrid Evaluated Nuclear Data Library HENDL1.0/MG/MC

  • 摘要: 根据世界几个主要核评价数据库,如ENDF/B 6(美国)、JEF 2.2(欧盟)、JENDL 3.2(日本)、BROND 2.2(俄罗斯)、CENDL 2.1(中国)和FENDL 2(IAEA/NDS),兼顾聚变、裂变以及聚变 裂变次临界混合堆设计研究的多种需要,经过甄别、筛选,最后集成为包含213个核素的基本评价文件,名为HENDL1.0/E的核评价数据库.在此基础上,利用目前流行的群常数加工程序系统NJOY和输运截面制备程序TRANSX制作两套用于中子或/和光子输运计算的输运截面工作库:①参考Vitamin J能群结构制作了175群中子和42群光子、中子 光子耦合多群工作数据库HENDL1.0/MG,可用于离散纵标Sn法程序计算;②连续能群结构、紧凑ENDF(ACE)格式中子截面库HENDL1.0/MC,可用于蒙特卡罗方法输运计算,如MCNP.另外还制作了可用于燃耗(嬗变)计算的燃耗库BURNUP.LIB和响应函数库RESPONSE.LIB两个专用数据库.同时,也对HENDL1.0综合评价核数据库的有效性进行了抽样测试、基准检验和初步确认. A Hybrid Evaluated Nuclear Data Library(HENDL) named as HENDL1.0 has been developed by Fusion Design Study (FDS) team of Institute of Plasma Physics, Academia Sinica (ASIPP) to take into account the requirements in design and research relevant to fusion, fission and fusion-fission sub-critical hybrid reactor. HENDL1.0 contains one basic evaluated sub-library naming HENDL1.0/E and two processed working sub-libraries naming HENDL1.0/MG and HENDL1.0/MC, respectively. Through carefully comparing...


    Abstract: A Hybrid Evaluated Nuclear Data Library(HENDL) named as HENDL1.0 has been developed by Fusion Design Study (FDS) team of Institute of Plasma Physics, Academia Sinica (ASIPP) to take into account the requirements in design and research relevant to fusion, fission and fusion-fission sub-critical hybrid reactor. HENDL1.0 contains one basic evaluated sub-library naming HENDL1.0/E and two processed working sub-libraries naming HENDL1.0/MG and HENDL1.0/MC, respectively. Through carefully comparing...


