Experimental Study of High-spin States in Odd-odd 172Re
摘要: 利用149Sm(27Al,4nγ)172Re反应布居了形变双奇核172Re的高自旋态,用12套带有BGO反康普顿抑制的高纯锗探测器阵列进行了在束γ实验测量,首次建立了172Re由3个转动带构成的高自旋态能级纲图.研究和讨论了3个转动带的结构特征,基于已有的高自旋态核结构知识并通过系统学比较和分析指出它们的准粒子组态分别为πh11/2 νi13/2,πh9/2 νi13/2和 π1/2-541 ν1/2-521.发现前两个转动带在自旋小于18时其转动能级呈现反常的旋称劈裂.High-spin states in the odd-odd~(172)Re have been investigated via the~(149)Sm(~(27)Al, 4nγ)~(172)Re reaction through excitation functions, X-γ and γ-γ coincidence measurements. A level scheme consisting of three rotational bands have been identified for the first time extending the high-spin studies of A≈160 odd-odd nuclei to the currently lightest rhenium isotope. The three bands have been assigned to be built on the πh_(11/2) νi_(13/2), πh_(9/2) νi_(13/2 ) and π1/2~-\ν1/2~-\ configurations ...Abstract: in-beam γ-spectroscopy; deformed odd-odd~(172)Re; rotational band; signature inversion