Mass Spectra of Mesons in U(4) Transitional Theory
摘要: 利用U(4)振动子模型的过渡区理论来描述q q位形介子的结构.对实验数据比较完整的57个介子的质量进行了拟合,并与O(4)极限的计算结果以及唯象QCD理论的计算结果进行了比较.结果表明,利用过渡区理论对介子质量谱的描述比O(4)极限更为精确. A mass formula of q mesons is formulated based on the transitional theory in the U(4) vibron model, in which accurate fitting to 57 experimentally well-established masses of mesons is carried out. The results show that the transitional theory seems to be much better than the O(4) limit consideration in the description of mass spectra of q mesons. A comparison of the results from the transitional theory to those from the O(4) limit calculation and QCD potential model is also shown.Abstract: A mass formula of q mesons is formulated based on the transitional theory in the U(4) vibron model, in which accurate fitting to 57 experimentally well-established masses of mesons is carried out. The results show that the transitional theory seems to be much better than the O(4) limit consideration in the description of mass spectra of q mesons. A comparison of the results from the transitional theory to those from the O(4) limit calculation and QCD potential model is also shown.