程檀生. 弹性e-d散射中氘核的张量极化t20与ρπγ耦合过程[J]. 原子核物理评论, 2004, 21(2): 127-129. DOI: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.127
引用本文: 程檀生. 弹性e-d散射中氘核的张量极化t20与ρπγ耦合过程[J]. 原子核物理评论, 2004, 21(2): 127-129. DOI: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.127
CHENG Tan-sheng. Tensor Polarization t20 of Deuteron and ρπγ Process[J]. Nuclear Physics Review, 2004, 21(2): 127-129. DOI: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.127
Citation: CHENG Tan-sheng. Tensor Polarization t20 of Deuteron and ρπγ Process[J]. Nuclear Physics Review, 2004, 21(2): 127-129. DOI: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.127


Tensor Polarization t20 of Deuteron and ρπγ Process

  • 摘要: 在夸克-强子混杂模型基础上,利用氘核的相对论波函数,计及冲击近似、ρπγ过程贡献和6夸克集团效应, 计算了氘核的张量极化t20. 结果表明, 当ρπγ耦合常数取正值时, t20的理论值才与新扩展的实验数据符合. Tensor polarization t20 of the deuteron is calculated on the basis of a hybrid quarkhadron model. A relativistic wave function of the deuteron is used to calculate the relativistic impulse approximation and the contribution of the ρπγ meson exchange process. Good agreement with experimental data is achieved when and only when the ρπγ coupling constant is taken as positive.


    Abstract: Tensor polarization t20 of the deuteron is calculated on the basis of a hybrid quarkhadron model. A relativistic wave function of the deuteron is used to calculate the relativistic impulse approximation and the contribution of the ρπγ meson exchange process. Good agreement with experimental data is achieved when and only when the ρπγ coupling constant is taken as positive.


