ALICE/PHOS Photon Discrimination Simulation
摘要: 光子判别能力是ALICE光子谱仪PHOS的重要性能指标之一. 利用ALIROOT软件包对0.5—100 GeV能量范围随机分布的7种粒子n, p,π+, K+和γ入射到PHOS上时光子判别的效率和纯度进行模拟研究. 在簇射形状分析中, 采用主成分分析方法将7参数分析问题约简为2参数, 并与7参数拓扑分析结果进行了比较. 给出了不同能区中光子判别效率与纯度的关系.The photon discrimination power of the ALICE photon spectrometer is simulated for incident particles n, p,π+, K+and γ with random energy distribution in the range from 0.5 to 100 GeV. The pricipale component analysis method is used to reduce the number of parameters in the shower shape analysis, and the results are compared with that from the seven parameter topology analysis.The efficiency dependence of purity for the photon discrimination is obtained for the deposited energy range 0.5—10, 10—20, 20—50 and 50—100 GeV.Abstract: The photon discrimination power of the ALICE photon spectrometer is simulated for incident particles n, p,π+, K+and γ with random energy distribution in the range from 0.5 to 100 GeV. The pricipale component analysis method is used to reduce the number of parameters in the shower shape analysis, and the results are compared with that from the seven parameter topology analysis.The efficiency dependence of purity for the photon discrimination is obtained for the deposited energy range 0.5—10, 10—20, 20—50 and 50—100 GeV.