Study of K-shell Ionization Cross-sections of Atoms by Electron Impact
摘要: 近年来,研究组发展了一套利用厚衬底薄靶测量电子原子碰撞内壳层电离截面的方法.该方法具有避免制作自支撑薄靶困难的优点.最近,又采取了一些措施来提高该方法测量数据的精度.首先评述了近年来该领域的一些研究进展,并通过测量Cr元素在小于26keV能量范围K壳层电离截面的例子介绍了研究组的实验方法.同时,也对8种低Z元素和16种中、高Z元素在keV能区的实验数据和理论模型、经验公式进行了比较,并对目前电子原子碰撞K壳层电离截面的实验测量和理论研究的现状及需进一步开展的工作进行了讨论. In this paper, we give a description of recent progress on the measurements of electron-impact K-shell ionization cross-sections of atoms in the keV energy range. We present our experimental method of using thin targets with thick substrates and our measurements taken recently to improve the accuracy of the experimental data by an example of measuring K-shell ionization cross-section for Cr element within the incident energy of less than 26 keV. We also compare the K-shell experimental data sets availab...Abstract: In this paper, we give a description of recent progress on the measurements of electron-impact K-shell ionization cross-sections of atoms in the keV energy range. We present our experimental method of using thin targets with thick substrates and our measurements taken recently to improve the accuracy of the experimental data by an example of measuring K-shell ionization cross-section for Cr element within the incident energy of less than 26 keV. We also compare the K-shell experimental data sets availab...