

Theoretical Methods on Spallation Products of Proton-induced Reactions with Intermediate Energy

  • 摘要: 简要介绍了几种关于中高能质子入射引起散裂反应产物理论计算的方法,以及这些方法的最新发展.比较了这些方法在理论计算中的特点,指出经典外推方法有局限性,量子分子动力学方法和改进后的M C方法的计算结果与实验数据有较好的符合,但是计算量大,而且量子分子动力学方法在与宏观输运理论连接上存在不少的困难.半经验计算方法已经取得了初步的成果,需要根据新的实验结果来对其进行发展. The analysis on spallation product of proton-induced reaction with intermediate energy has important applications, such as astrophysics, biophysics, spallation neutron source, and accelerator-driven system (ADS) etc. In recent year, some theoretical models have been developed to investigate this reaction processes. At present work, we introduce the extrapolated classic theory, the quantum molecule dynamic (QMD) plus statistical decay and fission models, the method of Mento-Carlo and Smiempirical method for...


    Abstract: The analysis on spallation product of proton-induced reaction with intermediate energy has important applications, such as astrophysics, biophysics, spallation neutron source, and accelerator-driven system (ADS) etc. In recent year, some theoretical models have been developed to investigate this reaction processes. At present work, we introduce the extrapolated classic theory, the quantum molecule dynamic (QMD) plus statistical decay and fission models, the method of Mento-Carlo and Smiempirical method for...


