

Phenomena of Bombardment-induced Gibssian Segregation during Alloy Sputtering

  • 摘要: 建立了包括质量效应、键合效应和轰击诱发吉布斯偏析效应的蒙特卡罗模拟程序;并对轰击诱发吉布斯偏析效应的两大特征(表面成分梯度特征和表面成分梯度的中间性特征)进行了研究.模拟解析了为何在被轰击合金表面形成了一个偏析元素的成分梯度;为何被轰击合金表面的成分梯度、溅射角分布和溅射产额具有中间性特征. In 1982, phenomena of bombardmentinduced Gibssian segregation(BIGS) during alloy sputtering were found at low temperature. By using Monte Carlo(MC) simulation programs including mass effect, surface binding energy effect and bombardmentinduced Gibssian segregation effect, we especially study two important characters of BIGS (one is the character of the surface composition gradient of BIGS, and another is the intermediate character of the surface composition gradient of BIGS). The MC simulations give...


    Abstract: In 1982, phenomena of bombardmentinduced Gibssian segregation(BIGS) during alloy sputtering were found at low temperature. By using Monte Carlo(MC) simulation programs including mass effect, surface binding energy effect and bombardmentinduced Gibssian segregation effect, we especially study two important characters of BIGS (one is the character of the surface composition gradient of BIGS, and another is the intermediate character of the surface composition gradient of BIGS). The MC simulations give...


