

Application of Heavy Ion Beams in Induced Mutation Breeding and Molecular Modification

  • 摘要: 重离子束具有与中性辐射X,γ和中子不同的特性,利用这些特性开展它在生物学领域内的应用和基础研究具有重要的理论和实际意义.简要阐述了这种应用的理论基础,以及多年来实践的一些工作与取得的结果. Heavy ion beams have different character from X, γ rays and neutrons. It has important value in theory and practice to use the character to carry out application and fundamental researches in biological field. Theoretical basis of the application and some practice and their results are briefly described here.


    Abstract: Heavy ion beams have different character from X, γ rays and neutrons. It has important value in theory and practice to use the character to carry out application and fundamental researches in biological field. Theoretical basis of the application and some practice and their results are briefly described here.


