

Long-range Angular Correlation in Excitation Functions of Dissipative Heavy Ion Collision of 27Al+27Al

  • 摘要: 在较大的连续角区范围内测量了27Al+27Al耗散反应产物的激发函数,入射束流的能量从114MeV到127MeV,能量步长200keV.分析激发函数的角度关联,角度相干宽度超过40°,各个角度之间反应产物的互关联系数在0.6以上.用宏观条件下的量子态叠加讨论了这种长程角度关联.


    Abstract: The excitation functions in dissipative heavy ion collision of27Al+27Al were measured. The incident beam energies were from 114 to 127 MeV in step of 200 keV. Angular correlation in excitation functions is analyzed, the coherent angle is more than 40°, the cross correlation coefficients are about 0.6. The longrange angular correlation is discussed with the concept of quantum superposition state in macroscopic conditions.


