Pions in Nuclear Physics
摘要: 在强子层次上,原子核或强子物质的基本组元是核子和介子.弄清这些强子的结构,并由基本原理出发研究它们的性质,是当代核物理的重要课题.在各种介子中,π介子是最轻且最重要的介子.关于自由空间中π介子的结构与性质、核介质内π介子的性质、π 核子相互作用与π 核相互作用等问题,始终受到相当多的关注.π介子在核物理中的作用直接联系着手征对称性,汤川秀树关于π介子的最初概念已经大大发展了.有清楚的实验证据表明,核内存在π介子的集体模式,这种集体模式与以前观测到的所有核集体运动模式截然不同.拟对π 核物理的研究现状及值得进一步研究的主要问题予以简要评述. At the hadronic level, nucleons and mesons are constituents of nuclei and hadronic matter. Understanding the structures of hadrons, finding the physics of how the properties of these particles arise from the first principle, are major interests in modern nuclear physics. Among mesons, the lightest and most important one is certainly the pion, thus it is no accident that its structure, properties (both in free space and in nuclear matter) and interactions with nucleons and nuclei have gotten considerable ...Abstract: At the hadronic level, nucleons and mesons are constituents of nuclei and hadronic matter. Understanding the structures of hadrons, finding the physics of how the properties of these particles arise from the first principle, are major interests in modern nuclear physics. Among mesons, the lightest and most important one is certainly the pion, thus it is no accident that its structure, properties (both in free space and in nuclear matter) and interactions with nucleons and nuclei have gotten considerable ...