周欣, 罗军, 孙献平, 曾锡之. 低场流动系统中激光增强液体129Xe的辐射阻尼信号[J]. 原子核物理评论, 2002, 19(Suppl): 156-158. DOI: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.19.S1.156
引用本文: 周欣, 罗军, 孙献平, 曾锡之. 低场流动系统中激光增强液体129Xe的辐射阻尼信号[J]. 原子核物理评论, 2002, 19(Suppl): 156-158. DOI: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.19.S1.156
ZHOU Xin, LUO Jun, SUN Xian-ping, ZENG Xi-zhi. Radiation Damping of Laser-polarized Liquid 129 Xe in the Low Fie ld Flow System[J]. Nuclear Physics Review, 2002, 19(Suppl): 156-158. DOI: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.19.S1.156
Citation: ZHOU Xin, LUO Jun, SUN Xian-ping, ZENG Xi-zhi. Radiation Damping of Laser-polarized Liquid 129 Xe in the Low Fie ld Flow System[J]. Nuclear Physics Review, 2002, 19(Suppl): 156-158. DOI: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.19.S1.156


Radiation Damping of Laser-polarized Liquid 129 Xe in the Low Fie ld Flow System

  • 摘要: 通常只有当样品的自旋浓度很大 (如水中的质子 ) ,强磁场和使用高分辨率谱仪的条件下 ,辐射阻尼现象才能被观测到 .但是我们利用激光增强原子极化的方法 ,使液态12 9Xe极化度提高到1 .45 % ,相同条件下比未激光极化的极化度增强 5 0 0 0倍 ,因此我们能在低磁场流动系统中观测到液态129Xe的辐射阻尼.Radiation damping is usually observed only when a sample ha s high spin concentration, such as water protons, in the high magnetic field with high-resolution spectrometer. However, after we applied the technique of laser -enhanced nuclear polarization, the nuclear spin polarizations of the liquid 129 Xe is increased to 1.45% , which corresponded to the enhancements of 5 000 compared to that without optical pumping under the same conditions. Therefo re, we observed radiation damping of liquid ...


    Abstract: Radiation damping is usually observed only when a sample ha s high spin concentration, such as water protons, in the high magnetic field with high-resolution spectrometer. However, after we applied the technique of laser -enhanced nuclear polarization, the nuclear spin polarizations of the liquid 129 Xe is increased to 1.45% , which corresponded to the enhancements of 5 000 compared to that without optical pumping under the same conditions. Therefo re, we observed radiation damping of liquid ...


