Generation of Fock States in Coupled Ladder Atom-cavity System
摘要: 探讨了阶梯形三能级原子 腔耦合系统中由绝热跟随技术引起的光子Fock态的产生 .结果发现 :对于单模腔QED系统 ,通过受激拉曼绝热跟随技术 ,在微波区域内可实现单光子Fock态的制备 ;对于双模腔QED系统 ,通过斯塔克移动的快绝热跟随技术可实现双光子对Fock态的产生.The behavior of an atom-cavity system using a three-level ladder atom was investigated. It is found that, for one-mode cavity QED, a single photon can be generated via the technique of stimulated Raman adiabatic passage; for two-mode cavity QED, a two-photon pair can be generated via Stark-shift rapid adiabatic passage.
Abstract: The behavior of an atom-cavity system using a three-level ladder atom was investigated. It is found that, for one-mode cavity QED, a single photon can be generated via the technique of stimulated Raman adiabatic passage; for two-mode cavity QED, a two-photon pair can be generated via Stark-shift rapid adiabatic passage.