

Calculation for Electronic Structure and Energy of Hydrogen Cluster H9

  • 摘要: 对氢原子团簇H9的电子结构提出了一个物理模型 .认为其电子结构类似于氟原子的电子结构 ,具有 2个 1s电子 ,2个 2s电子和 5个 2p电子 .其基态可写为H9(1s2 2s2 2p5) 2 P .用电子波函数计算出该团簇的总能量为E =- 4 .99(Har.atomicunit) ,键长为R =1.5 9a0 ,与过去用改进的量子力学排列通道法计算的结果非常吻合 .这表明所提出的物理模型是合理的 ,而且所提出的电子波函数对研究H9团簇的物理性质很有用. The electronic structure of H 9 cluster is proposed. The total energy of this cluster is calculated by using its electron wave functions. The results are in good agreement with the value calculated by using of the modified arrangement channel quantum mechanics method in a previous paper. The results also indicate that the electronic structure of H 9 cluster is similar to that of fluorine atom.


    Abstract: The electronic structure of H 9 cluster is proposed. The total energy of this cluster is calculated by using its electron wave functions. The results are in good agreement with the value calculated by using of the modified arrangement channel quantum mechanics method in a previous paper. The results also indicate that the electronic structure of H 9 cluster is similar to that of fluorine atom.


