

Influence of Ambient Pressure on Velocity of Emission Particle of Laser-ablated Al Target

  • 摘要: 在背景气压为8× 10-3— 100Pa范围内 ,通过测量脉冲激光烧蚀平面Al靶产生的等离子体辐射谱的时间分辨特征 ,比较空间不同点辐射的飞行时间轮廓的相对延迟 ,从而得到辐射粒子速度及其空间分布 .利用绝热膨胀的理论和激波模型分别对背景气压小于 0 .6Pa的结果和 5Pa时的结果作了分析 ,并得出激波的波面基本上为柱对称. With the ambient gas pressure in the range from 8×10 -3 to 10 2 Pa, Q-switched YAG laser ablates plane aluminum target and plasma are produced. Optical emission spectroscopy is used to carry out time-resolved analysis of atomic particles. Using the resonance transition of Al I 396.1 nm (3p 2P-4s 2S), the spatiol velocity distribution of Al I has been obtained under the laser energies of 160 mJ/pulse when the ablating size is about 200 μm. The velocity is at the order of 10 6 cm/s...


    Abstract: With the ambient gas pressure in the range from 8×10 -3 to 10 2 Pa, Q-switched YAG laser ablates plane aluminum target and plasma are produced. Optical emission spectroscopy is used to carry out time-resolved analysis of atomic particles. Using the resonance transition of Al I 396.1 nm (3p 2P-4s 2S), the spatiol velocity distribution of Al I has been obtained under the laser energies of 160 mJ/pulse when the ablating size is about 200 μm. The velocity is at the order of 10 6 cm/s...


