

Single Electron Detachment of Li- and Na- in Collision with He, Ne and Ar

  • 摘要: 采用交叉束方法 ,利用负离子源产生的 3— 19keV的Li- 和Na- 轰击惰性气体靶He ,Ne和Ar ,通过静电偏转和位置灵敏探测器区分碰撞后中性粒子束和负离子束 ,测量了不同碰撞系统的中性粒子计数与相应入射负离子计数的比值R(E) ,并得到R(E)与入射负离子能量、负离子种类和靶原子种类的关系. The count ratios R of the neutralized atoms of final state to projectiles Li -and Na -in collision with He, Ne and Ar are measured in the energy range of 3-19 keV. It is found that the count ratios R increase slowly with the collision energy in whole experimental energy range for He, Ne and Ar. For Li -→He, Ne, Ar Collisions, R(He)≈R(Ar)>R(Ne), and for Na -→He, Ne, Ar Collisions, R(He)>R(Ar)> R(Ne).


    Abstract: The count ratios R of the neutralized atoms of final state to projectiles Li -and Na -in collision with He, Ne and Ar are measured in the energy range of 3-19 keV. It is found that the count ratios R increase slowly with the collision energy in whole experimental energy range for He, Ne and Ar. For Li -→He, Ne, Ar Collisions, R(He)≈R(Ar)>R(Ne), and for Na -→He, Ne, Ar Collisions, R(He)>R(Ar)> R(Ne).


