

Mutation Effect of Spring Wheat by Secondary Radiation of Ion Beams

  • 摘要: 利用中能重离子束辐照生物靶材料时产生的中子、γ射线和次级碎片等次级辐射对春麦种子进行辐照 ,然后通过田间试验和实验室的分析测定 ,得到了 M1代植株的变化 . (1 )在生物学性状中 ,穗粒数、小穗数、千粒重、穗粒重、小穗密度和有效分蘖数变异率较大 ;(2 )除 SOD活性外 ,POD活性、CAT活性、MDA含量和蛋白质含量的变异率也较大 ;(3 )休眠种子和萌发种子辐照M1代在生物学性状的变化上存在很大的差异 ;(4)两个春麦材料的辐射敏感性差异明显 .由此表明 ,兰州重离子加速器辐照终端在进行生物学实验时产生的次级辐射是可能利用的诱变源. Secondary radiation such as neutrons, high energy light particees, γ rays is produced when ion beams with medium energy irradiate biological materials. Spring wheat was placed in radiobiological experiment area(irradiation terminal L2) to expose to the secondary radiation. The variation of M1 generation of the wheat seeds was obtained through test in the fields and measuremeat in laboratery: (1) There were very high variation rates in grain number, number of small...


    Abstract: Secondary radiation such as neutrons, high energy light particees, γ rays is produced when ion beams with medium energy irradiate biological materials. Spring wheat was placed in radiobiological experiment area(irradiation terminal L2) to expose to the secondary radiation. The variation of M1 generation of the wheat seeds was obtained through test in the fields and measuremeat in laboratery: (1) There were very high variation rates in grain number, number of small...


