Mechanism of Damage in Diamond like Carbon Film Induced by γ ray and N ion Irradiations
摘要: 对类金刚石 (以下简称 DLC)薄膜受 γ射线与 N离子辐照的结果进行了比较 .通过 Raman光谱分析得出 :γ射线辐照造成薄膜中 SP3C— H和 SP2C— H键的减少及 SP3C— C键的增加 ,与此同时氢原子结合成氢分子 ,并从膜中释出 ,薄膜的类金刚石特征更加明显.当辐照剂量达1 0×104Gy时 ,SP3C—H键减少了约 5 0 % .N离子辐照使 DLC薄膜中 SP3C— C键、SP2 C—H键及 SP3C—H键的含量均变少 ,并伴随着氢分子的释出 ,直接导致 DLC薄膜的进一步石墨化,其对 SP3C—H及 SP2C— H键的破坏程度远大于γ射线 .两者在辐照机理上截然不同.The results of the diamond like carbon films(the following is called for short DLC film) irradiated by γ rays and N ion were reported. It showed that SP 3C—H and SP 2C—H bonds were decreased, and SP 3C—C bonds were increased by γ ray irradiation, and induced hydrogen recombination with H 2 molecules, and subsequently released from the surface of the films. When the γ ray irradiation dose reached 10×104Gy, the numbers of SP3C—H bonds were decreased by about 50%...Abstract: The results of the diamond like carbon films(the following is called for short DLC film) irradiated by γ rays and N ion were reported. It showed that SP 3C—H and SP 2C—H bonds were decreased, and SP 3C—C bonds were increased by γ ray irradiation, and induced hydrogen recombination with H 2 molecules, and subsequently released from the surface of the films. When the γ ray irradiation dose reached 10×104Gy, the numbers of SP3C—H bonds were decreased by about 50%...