Space Charge Effects of CSR
摘要: 针对兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环的流强设计 ,对其空间电荷效应进行了讨论 .随着流强增高和发射度降低 ,束流自作用场效应 (空间电荷效应 )逐渐显现 .散焦的空间电荷力造成的粒子自由振荡频移和束流包络增长 ,带来了不稳定因素 ,这些不稳定因素就限定了储存环的流强极限.Cooler Storage Ring (CSR), an upgrading program planned at the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL), will supply beams with higher quality and intensity. Space charge effects should be considered due to this magnitude of intensity in CSR. The concept and some phenomena of space charge effects are discussed. Space charge intensity limit and space charge tune shift of normal CSR operation are given. It is of significance for the construction and operation of the future facility.Abstract: Cooler Storage Ring (CSR), an upgrading program planned at the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL), will supply beams with higher quality and intensity. Space charge effects should be considered due to this magnitude of intensity in CSR. The concept and some phenomena of space charge effects are discussed. Space charge intensity limit and space charge tune shift of normal CSR operation are given. It is of significance for the construction and operation of the future facility.