郑里平. 溅射的同位素迷惑[J]. 原子核物理评论, 1998, 15(1): 43-49. DOI: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.15.01.043
引用本文: 郑里平. 溅射的同位素迷惑[J]. 原子核物理评论, 1998, 15(1): 43-49. DOI: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.15.01.043
ZHENG Li-ping. Isotope Puzzle in Sputtering[J]. Nuclear Physics Review, 1998, 15(1): 43-49. DOI: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.15.01.043
Citation: ZHENG Li-ping. Isotope Puzzle in Sputtering[J]. Nuclear Physics Review, 1998, 15(1): 43-49. DOI: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.15.01.043


Isotope Puzzle in Sputtering

  • 摘要: 影响多元材料溅射的机制是复杂的.在多元材料溅射中,同位素溅射是最简单的.虽然仅有质量效应在同位素溅射中起优势作用,但是在离子轰击溅射中,至今仍然是个“同位素迷惑”.争论的焦点有:(1)在零剂量时,同位素富集度是与出射角无关,还是与出射角有关?(2)同位素角效应是一次溅射效应,还是二次溅射效应?如何理解碰撞级联中的动量不对称性对同位素溅射的作用?文中综述了这些争论,并阐明了本小组的观点. Mechanisms affecting multicomponent material sputtering are complex. Isotope sputtering is the simplest in the multicomponent materials sputtering. Although only mass effect plays a dominant role in the isotope sputtering, there is still an isotope puzzle in suputtering by ion bombardment. The major arguments are as follows:(1) At the zero fluence, is the isotope enrichment ejectionangleindependent or ejectionangledependent? (2)Is the isotope angular effect the primary or the ...


    Abstract: Mechanisms affecting multicomponent material sputtering are complex. Isotope sputtering is the simplest in the multicomponent materials sputtering. Although only mass effect plays a dominant role in the isotope sputtering, there is still an isotope puzzle in suputtering by ion bombardment. The major arguments are as follows:(1) At the zero fluence, is the isotope enrichment ejectionangleindependent or ejectionangledependent? (2)Is the isotope angular effect the primary or the ...


